This picture is of Bay View Church -- No picture of Bellflower Available
Both of my parents were there every Sunday. They both sang in the choir. I went to the children's program. I sat on the front row at worship services and I heard from my dad after church if I misbehaved. My dad actually became the Chair of the Building Committee that built the present church building. Then, in the Fall of 1949, when I was in the Seventh Grade, my Father left home. He was infatuated with his secretary. My mother fell apart and I was adrift.
Let me give a little background on my life thus far. I will only give my school years:
- First Grade
- Galesburg, Illinois
- Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Oak Ridge, Tennessee -- another school
- Gainesville, Georgia
- Second Grade
- Danville, California (all schools for now on are in California)
- Concord -- an all 8 grades in one room, country school
- Livermore -- same kind of school as above
- Third Grade
- Started at the same Livermore country school
- Livermore -- city school system
- Fourth Grade
- Corona
- Oceanside
- Corona -- another school
- Fifth Grade
- Compton
- Gardena
- Bellflower -- from then on I was in Bellflower
The point of all this is to say that I didn't have a lot of "life-time" friends. I really didn't know many people from school. Then, as mentioned before, my family fell apart in 1949. I had been a quiet, intelligent child and did well in school. Then (Jr. High is bad enough when things are going well) after dad left, I began to act out in school. I was terrible in Jr. High. I also lost interest in church -- but my mother made me go. She insisted that I go to the Jr. High youth group. I did and something weird happened. They elected me President of the Group! I must admit that it never occurred to me that no one else wanted to do it. I thought I was popular. Then, Eleanor, my wife's sister, was elected as Vice President. We became life-long friends.
The youth group was strong in the church. We had a High School group of around 50 kids. Without the church I would have had no social life. I was not bullied at school and knew a lot of kids, but I didn't hang with them. It was the church that provided me with all of my friends. I was actually popular there. This is what I meant when I said that the church was my salvation.
In my next posting I will discuss the church and my love for music.
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